Thu. Mar 27th, 2025

He Can’t Write So He Stole My Story”Electrocuting the Clowns”

I wrote a short story titled “Electrocuting the Clowns.”  It was copyrighted in 2003 in an anthology called “Beyond the Porch Light.”  Check it out on Amazon and you’ll see I wrote it and that the story is there and was copyrighted in 2003. 

Here’s one of many places this guy publishes my story under his name:  There’s more and he’s clumsy.

As  a member of the National Writers Union, UAW Local 1981, I am fortunate enough to be able to report this a plan for investigating this action.  The first step was to research everything about him and his activities.

Here’s his bio/lies at this link: on page 233.  To save you the work of having to click there, here’s what this clown says about his work:

About The Author 

David Byron is the founder/CEO of NVF Magazine, an online publication
that promotes Indie filmmakers, actors, actresses, FX artists, graphic artists,
and musicians. He is the author of five non-fiction books, including The
Queens of Scream, Film Prodigies & Legends, Cinemassacres, Hot & Horrifying:
The First Ladies of Horror, and The Indie Filmmakers Handbook.
His other credits now include fiction writer, poet, screenwriter, producer,
and editor. His short stories, Electrocuting The Clowns and The First Cut Is The
Deepest, were both nominated for a Bram Stoker Award in 2008. He lives in
Indiana with his cats, Toby and Buckwheat, who are both a constant inspiration
for another story or film. You may view his magazine at www.freewebs.
com/nvhmag1 or email him at his personal email,

I know I wrote “Electrocuting the Clowns” and am going after that, but does anyone know who wrote “The First Cut is the Deepest?”  Did he steal that from someone else?

I’ve already notified the HWA about this guy.  I can’t find any record of either story being nominated.  They cite this stuff on the web.

Oh, and his real name seems to be David Boyer.  He uses a lot of names.  Doc Byron, Iron Dave, David Boyer (real name), David Brookes, Leo Wolfe, Jerry Burkette.

Also, I’m notifying of the need to cease and desist making the story available to people and asking for what monies they paid out for the stolen property.  Amazon is next and… well, you get the picture.
Including the South African magazine.

This loser even cites my story on his Mingle web site.

But will you help me find out as much as I can about this man and his plagiarist activities.  This could happen to any of us.  I’m sure most of you are more web savvy than I am, and I’d appreciate the benefit of your knowledge and skills.  It’s important that we stop this guy because there are other people on the web who say that he stole their work as well. 

This plagiarst poses as an editor looking for submissions to his magazines, but is he really looking for stories to steal so he can claim he wrote them?  Please look into this and see what you can find out about his activities.  Check out how many places on the web where he sells my story: 

He’s selling it as a download on  He’s published it in a South African magazine.  He’s got it in an anthology.  Take a look at these three links as starting points:

Play detective.  See how much you can find out about this creep.

This could happen to you, too.  So I’d appreciate your help. 

How would you stop this clown?  What can we do as a community of honest writers to bust plagiarists?

Have you ever looked on the web to see what’s been stolen from you?

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