Thu. Mar 27th, 2025

I’m sure that most of you will be familiar with the wonderful writer Lisa Morton.  
You’d think with her resume and accomplishments, she’d be immune from plagiaristic theft.  I won’t go into the details now, but let me share with you how she stood up to the man as taken from the letter she wrote to him after reading this blog and finding out she’d had her story stolen, too!


I did not give you permission to use the story with YOUR NAME on it as author, nor did I give you permission to post it at online sites such as Booksie. Crediting the story to yourself is plagiarism, plain and clear. The story has now been removed from Booksie per my request, but I have a copy of the PDF, which I’ve attached here. The PDF clearly lists “Doc Byron” as the author; the story even generated compliments for you at Booksie, which you did nothing to dispel. You stole my story.”

How’s that for standing up for her rights?  She’s a great example for the rest of us.  We don’t have to tolerate plagiarism.

And all of you out here who have been supportive (and I can’t believe how many of you there are!), it’s your success, too.

I’ve asked him to come forward and confess, apologize, give us all a list of his various aliases and make a commitment to leave these bad practices behind.  I’m still waiting.  So we wait. What do you think?  Will he come forward?

In the meantime, let’s see how many of his other aliases we can identify.

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