Thu. Mar 27th, 2025

Please read the following and tell me what you think the plagiarist David Boyer a.k.a. David Byron etc, can do to make things right with everyone he’s wronged in the creative community.  For an update of what’s happening on this matter, go to the writer with the sharpest pen on the web- The Rusty Nail.  And don’t forget to vote using the poll to your right.  Because if you don’t, David Boyer will.  


David Boyer/ David Byron etc, etc, wrote me an email today where he said he’d met my demands and can’t understand why I keep up my “one-man terror tirade” against him.  Aside from the fact that he plagiarized my story and those of other writers who have come forward as well as doing the same to graphic artists, he sounds upset that a victim of his bad behavior would get upset.  Imagine that.

Originally I’d asked Dave to confess, apologize, and provide me with a complete list of his aliases so everyone could see if they’d been plagiarized by him.  If he did this, I was willing to post all of that, and allow him his second chance.  

He didn’t do that.  But today he said he did.  Here’s what I wrote him back:


“Unfortunately, your ‘confession’ was done under the name of an alias with all sorts of confidentiality boiler plate attached (which, by the way, isn’t worth anything). And you didn’t provide the complete listing of your aliases I demanded. So- no go.

“As for the rest of the input from your ‘lawyer,’ David, watch and learn.

“Or, maybe just send me a complete, real confession this time also listing all of your plagiaries, including an individual apology to each of those artists and writers you hurt. And a promise, with a solid timeline, for correcting all those volumes out there that incorrectly attribute our (all of us you’ve plagiarized) work to you. Of course, if you don’t hold to it, that would be bad.

“It’s not just me anymore. The volume of people sending me evidence is filling my Inbox. They want to go forward as a group. You’ve heard of class action, right? You’ve hurt a lot of people. And they want it very public.

“So you might want to try it one more time, this time with feeling, losing the capitalizations and underlines and providing a complete, real confession and apology.

“Confession and repentance will give you your life back and you could move forward into the light.


PS, I will, of course, if I don’t hear back from you by tonight, be posting this letter on my blog for group input.”

***** Okay, here I am encouraging him again to send me a confession- under his own name, with no confidentiality non-disclosure bs attached, an apology, and a complete list of his aliases and plagiaries against all of us.  I’m not so much interested in revenge- I’m interested in bringing this whole thing into the light so that each writer and/or artist can decide for themselves what sort of action we should pursue, together or singly.  David’s self-focused pattern has been to talk down abusively to writers who question his actions and demand that they keep everything private.  Too late for that now.  In the dark is where bad things squirm.  Come out into the light, David.  Own up so you can move on. 

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