Fri. Mar 28th, 2025

Paladin’s Honor is a fantastic book. Read what the forward says:

“When Carina approached me about writing this foreword, I was honored. I’ve known Carina since 2013, and we connected over our writing of superhero stories. Not many females writing about superheroes, so we instantly bonded.

Honestly, to some extent, all authors are superheroes. We create characters and entire worlds. We weave scenarios and action, heartbreak and adventure. We give a bit of a reprieve from the everyday world for something much more imaginative. Writers give of themselves so that the reader can embark on daring adventures, can experience a first kiss all over again, can worry over the fates of characters whose lives hang in the balance, and can fall in love. The best stories of all enrich the mind, captivate the soul, and invigorate the heart. When you open the pages of a Carina story, you know you’ll be immersed into a whole new world.

Paladin’s Honor is one such new world, and it does not disappoint.

Paladins. The first words that spring to my mind associated with paladins? Strong. Brave. True. Warrior. Fighter. Protector of the small. A champion. Valor. Glory. And, of course, honor.

At its core, any story featuring a paladin has to have courage, heart, and action. Paladins are warriors of religion who fight battles on the field and off, within themselves and for the sake of others. They struggle to achieve just a bit more, to push themselves harder, to strive for a better world no matter the personal cost.

Devon is one such paladin, and he will fight for the sake of his Order, his brothers-in-arms, his family, and more. He has a true warrior spirit, and from the first, you will come to see just how strong and capable he is.

But, ah, beyond every strong man, there must be a strong woman, even if she has to find her way. Mirabelle is feisty, experienced despite her youth, and headstrong. It comes as no surprise that these two may butt heads on more than a few occasions!

It takes a special kind of writer to be able to create a paladin character and breathe life into him so that he isn’t too good to be true. Some might think paladins a bit boring given how perfect they can be, but a skilled writer will give even paladins a flaw or two. Carina humanizes her characters, allowing them to live as real people in the readers’ minds. It’s the only way for a reader to truly bond with characters, and Carina does this with a quiet grace that sneaks up on the reader.

There is one other word that can and should be associated with paladins—love. The perfect marriage of fantasy and romance can feature no other hero than a paladin and a woman he vows to protect. What else can a paladin do to honor his love besides protecting her? It is, after all, how a paladin would show his love.
Sit back, relax, and enjoy the story of a world far away filled with peril and danger, love and intrigue, and, of course, a paladin and his honor.”
Nicole Zoltack

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