Looking for A Part Time Editor
We need help! So, send your resumes to rick@whitecatpublications.com Again, this is only part-time work, but it’s fun!
We need help! So, send your resumes to rick@whitecatpublications.com Again, this is only part-time work, but it’s fun!
Here’s the interview!
Another fascinating interview with the author of The Eversteam Chronicles, Jude Matulich Hall! In this interview, she discusses the elements of good writing.
The Sheer Magnitude of His Irrelevance by Ross Pavis My only mistake was deciding to take the aspirin before hanging myself. I had a headache, and I hated the idea…
Paladin’s Honor is a fantastic book. Read what the forward says: “When Carina approached me about writing this foreword, I was honored. I’ve known Carina since 2013, and we connected…
When only the world is in danger, call a superhero. When the universe is in trouble, mobilize the Galactic Alliances. For a crisis that affects the multiverse in worlds both…
Gary Gabelhouse’s Gods of Eden is finally out in Audible. Within the Great Ruins of Zimbabwe, anthropologist Gabe Turpin makes an impossible discovery. A secret cabal deploys a black-ops team…
Good News! Monster Werewolf is available on Audible, too! Its byline reads like this: “The city is destroyed by a monster werewolf, and an epic battle ensues between the monster…
Old Steel is now available on Audible, and it’s fantastic! The guy did a fabulous job on recording it!! You’ve really got to hear it, it’s so worthwhile.
We saw this article by Hope at Story Embers, and we wondered–has this ever happened to you? Have you ever been working on a story that just won’t click? You…