Welcome, A. Carina Spears!
A big welcome to A. Carina Spears to our stable of writers! We will be publisher for Ms. Spears Paladin’s Honor, an epic fantasy that you’ll be sure to read.…
Halloween is just around the corner, so why not scare the pants off someone by buying them White Cat’s own edition of Dracula! The classic vampire story by Bram Stoker,…
Jude Matulich-Hall
Issue the warmest of welcomes to our writing family for Jude Matulich-Hall, if you please. Jude is the newest writer to come into our stable of writers, and she has…
The Freemasons
For centuries, the secrets of the Freemasons were known only to members. But that’s about to change after the BBC were given unprecedented access to several Scottish lodges (the Freemason…
Ninja Tools & Weapons
Warriors of myth and legend, yet as real as a throat slit in the night, Ninja are a fascinating, mysterious presence in our world. Through generations of disinformation and, more…
The Chosen and the Beautiful
I am pleased to share theTom Doherty Associates Spring 2021 catalogs from Tor Books, Forge, Tor Teen / Starscape, and Tordotcom Publishing with you, as well a few highlights from…
We’re Back!
Sorry for the inconvenience, but we were attacked by some pretty vicious malware that destroyed out site. Please bear with us while rebuild the site.
With Apologies to A. Carina Spears
We just signed a book deal to produce A. Carina’s newest book, Paladin’s Honor. And boy, is it fantastic. You’ll just love it. So, I was going to redo her…